deKay's Lofi Gaming

Why Sega should just give up and die

When I got my Megadrive in the early 1990s, it was for one single game – Sonic the Hedgehog. I’d played it often at the local game shop, and didn’t just want it, I needed it. Once I had my own Sega console to play it on, I was hooked on Sega games. In fact, for a good decade or so, I loved pretty much all of Sega’s major-title output – I suppose I was a Sega Fanboy (although Mario …

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (360)

It was only fairly recently that I completed this for the Wii. So why get it for the 360 as well? Because it’s Sonic, of course! (NB: Rule of “It’s Sonic, of course!” does not apply to Sonic Heroes, Sonic and the Secret Rings or Sonic the Hedgehog 3D) So I’ve managed to complete Chemical Plant Zone, having nabbed all the Chaos Emeralds before the end of Chemical Plant 1. It really helps not having picked Tails to accompany me. …